Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"When I Shine" By the Herbaliser Feat. Bahamadia 1999

Instrumentation: guitar, piano, bass, drums. The drum set beat, while everything adds to a jazzy feel. The introduction is all instrumental and each instrument is sort of doing their own thing, yet their is a good bend between them. Bahamadia's vocals come in slow and steady. She is rapping at one note, no variation in volume or different notes. Novelty in the song comes from the choruses where male voices who have been remixed say, "I see my influence still shinin" While she is speaking the instruments continue their odd mix in the background. This song uses a lot of technology and mixing to achieve its unique sound. The instruments both begin and end the song, giving them a good control over the songs pattern.

Texture: The texture of this song is very Polyphonic. With all the different instruments doing different things, and the vocals resting at one note, their is a full sound to this song. The instruments move without the vocals and their definitely is not one complete sound to this song. The steady tempo does keep everything together and add a line of music that the instruments tend to follow.

Lyrics and Performance: I admire the lyrics and rap style of Bahamadia, and the talents of Herbaliser to create such an unique beat. The song is about using music and her words to reach out to her audience and evoke change. Bahamdadia begins the song with the words, "Your not dealin with the typical/ I am Queen Order in the physical." These words give her power and makes her audience recognize, not only her femininity, but her creativity in this genre. The song goes on to tell how despite all that is going wrong in the world, she and her audience can "try to leave a mark" to better society. I enjoy listening to rap that has a message to send, and is not all about having parties, drinking and objectifying women. I find this song creative, empowering, and provoking.